Donna Brewer Kassewitz
Donna works with her husband Jack in the SpeakDolphin.com Research Project,
advancing the field of human-cetacean
communication in order to give dolphins and
whales a greater voice in world affairs. In
2006, she created the Clean Ocean Dolphin Poster
campaign, which encourages the public to help
clean up our oceans and waterways.
As part of her research into cooperative games with dolphins, and in order to
create a Peace Ceremony for the Oceans, each summer Donna and her daughter,
Noel, use a waterproof Earth Flag with the printed phrase "May Peace Prevail
On Earth", and custom-made waterproof ribbons (from their own innovative Dolphin
Ribbon Game) for an underwater parade with the dolphins at Dolphin Discovery's
facilities in Isla Mujeres and Cozumel, Mexico. The response from the dolphins
has been remarkable! Each year, Donna and Noel are engulfed in dolphin echolocation
as the animals excitedly "buzz" the Earth flag. The human swimmers parade the Earth
flag throughout the large dolphin lagoons while saying Peace Prayers through their
snorkels and dive regulators. In each event, the dolphins participate by exuberantly
following along, often surrounding them on all sides. From the enthusiastic and willing
participation of the dolphins (no food rewards or trained behaviors used), it certainly
appears that they are interested in the image of the Earth from space, as well as the
intent for Peace On Earth. Donna and Noel eagerly look forward to further Peace events
and cooperative games with the dolphins.
Born in Miami, Donna developed
a close relationship to Spirit during childhood.
She has extensive experience bringing people
and dolphins together. Donna has facilitated
numerous spiritual retreats in the Yucatan,
leading groups there to swim with dolphins and
explore Mayan archeological sites. In 1995 and
1996, she organized and co-hosted two
International Symposiums on Dolphin-Assisted
Therapy in Cancun, Mexico.
Donna and her husband, Jack,
have facilitated many community events in South
Florida, through their non-profit organization,
Global Heart, Inc.
Donna and Jack are Official Representatives of
the World Peace Prayer Society (www.worldpeace.org),
and have planted eight Peace Poles in Florida,
Georgia, and Mexico since 2001.
In each project that she
manages, Donna brings her organization skills,
writing talents, artistic abilities, and
visionary passion as her tools of trade. Donna
is an inspiring teacher and speaker, with
personal stories of struggle and transformation,
and a deep belief in the power of prayer and
positive thinking. She avidly promotes the
importance of Human-Cetacean interaction as a
means to safe-guard the ecology of our Planet.
Jack Kassewitz
Jack Kassewitz is President
of Global Heart, Inc.,
a non-profit organization that he co-founded with
his wife, Donna, in 2001. His greatest focus at
this time is Global Heart's
SpeakDolphin.com - Dolphin Communication Research
Project - seeking to significantly expand
communication between humans and dolphins. Jack's
passion for this research has propelled him to
search out and obtain cutting-edge technology for
recording cetaceans in the broadest spectrum and
highest definition possible.
A lifelong percussionist, Jack's musical skills led
him to the first breakthrough in his research -
the discovery of complex musical form within
dolphin vocalizations. Although the songs
within these dolphin vocalizations are too complex
for the human ear in their original form, Jack
used graduate level musical students from the
University of Miami, to perform the dolphin songs
on human instruments such as guitar and piano.
This allows humans to appreciate the beauty and
sophistication of the dolphin composed music.
Recently, Jack's work on the Castaway & Calf
Project broke new ground in the field of dolphin
communication research. Jack is currently
analyzing his recordings of Wilson, Castaway's
baby, whom Jack was able to record echolocating
even as the baby dolphin was emerging from the
Jack Kassewitz was born in rural Georgia in 1947
and moved to Miami as a young boy. He has worked
for much of his life in the care giving field. He
was Principal of a school for emotionally
disturbed children, directed a state licensed drug
rehabilitation center, was the Director of the
Humane Society facility in Espanola, New Mexico,
and was also a Director for the United Way of Dade
Additionally, Jack
founded the National Wildlife Rescue Team that
rehabilitated and released many hawks, eagles,
owls, bears and other wild animals. Jack was also
an Investigative Reporter and Independent Producer
of several television news specials, including
segments on NBC News Dateline and ABC Primetime